
Advertising on CapMetro

Advertising on CapMetro has never been easier. We've partnered with Intersection Media to help you reach valuable audiences at key moments of influence throughout the day. To learn more about advertising on CapMetro, contact Intersection Media. For all other enquiries, contact TransitAdvertising@capmetro.org .

About the Austin Region

Our beautiful town in the hills of Central Texas is a thriving oasis of ingenuity and ideas. All the things that make Austin crackle and hum -- tech culture, the Capitol, UT, art, music, great food and street life -- are the same things that make the city a target-rich media environment. Let your brand become part of the Austin vibe; a moving billboard taking your message right where you want to be seen.

Visitors from around the world come to the Austin area to attend the U.S. Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas, SXSW, the Austin City Limits Festival and other acclaimed events.

Demographic Information

  • Among top 5 fastest growing cities
  • 2.1 million residents in the Austin metro area
  • 19.8 million tourists annually
  • Median age is 33.5, compared to 37 nationally
  • Median family income of $75,763
  • 170,000 college students living and working in the area
Total Austin population2,050,719
Caucasian1,250,33251.6 %

Advertising Policy

CapMetro places the following restrictions on all advertising placed on its equipment and facilities displaying advertising. These Standards for Acceptable Advertising apply to all advertisements, announcements, or any other display for goods or services on CapMetro vehicles, including (1) commercial advertising, (2) advertising by non-profit and governmental entities, and (3) Public Service Announcements under the Community Partnership Program.

CapMetro will not accept ad material, announcements or any other display for goods or services on CapMetro vehicles that are:

  • False, misleading or deceptive;
  • Clearly defamatory or likely to hold up to scorn or ridicule a person or group of persons;
  • Obscene or pornographic;
  • In advocacy of imminent lawlessness or violent action;
  • Promoting tobacco products;
  • Promoting alcohol products without an “enjoy responsibly” message or similar messaging with the advertisement;
  • Political advertisements or ads that advocate for an issue, candidate, political fundraising, political position or changes to public policy.

CapMetro reserves the right to approve all advertising, exhibit material, announcements, or any other display and their manner of presentation prior to installation. Electronic versions or hard copies of proposed ads should be provided to CapMetro prior to ad production. Reasonable proof or clarification of statements contained in any advertisement, exhibit material, announcement or any other display may be required by CapMetro before approval. Determinations of the acceptability of ads will be initially made by the marketing director.

A firm and/or organization may appeal the decision of the Marketing Manager on the acceptability of any ad to CapMetro's chief counsel. The decision of the chief counsel shall be final. When an advertisement is not accepted by the marketing manager the firm and/or organization presenting the advertisement shall be notified of the vice president of Marketing & Communications or his designee's decision by letter, informing the firm or organization of their right to appeal the decision to the chief counsel.

In order to foster good will in the community CapMetro has created a limited opportunity for qualifying nonprofit organizations to utilize available space on CapMetro vehicles without the usual fee for public service announcements. Space is limited to 15 total partnerships with qualifying nonprofit organizations per fiscal year. The maximum amount of advertising space available for any partnership is limited to 3 queen-sized exterior advertisements and 50 interior placards. Interior and exterior space for these advertisements is subject to the demand for paid advertising space. The actual distribution of these spaces will be at CapMetro's discretion. PSAs will be placed for at least 90 days. Continuation of an ad for more than 90 days will be approved only if there are no paid ads waiting to be placed or if the nonprofit organization wishes to pay for the continuation of the advertisements under the nonprofit rate. PSAs placed through the Community Partnership Program may be removed at any time if the space has been sold to a paying advertiser.

The nonprofit organization placing these PSAs must produce the ads at its own expense. The ads must conform to regular CapMetro standards for size, weight and other physical characteristics. The organization must pay for the installation and removal of all advertisements. CapMetro will arrange for the installation and removal of ads. It is the organizations' responsibility to deliver ads in a timely fashion.

Community partnerships are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

The President and CEO or designee may authorize partnerships in addition to the Community Partnership Program to provide advertising space at no cost or reduced cost to entities to promote messages that benefit CapMetro or its customers.

In order to generate revenue and foster good will in the community CapMetro discounts the cost of advertising space by 50% for all 501(c)(3) organizations, a nonprofit corporation in accordance with the Texas Business Organizations Code, an unincorporated nonprofit association and Texas governmental entities. Proof of current nonprofit status is required prior to the development of the contract. Nonprofit and governmental entities are responsible for the print, production and delivery of advertisements to CapMetro. Installation and removal costs, carried out by a third party vendor for CapMetro are not discounted.