Transit Plan 2035 is CapMetro’s blueprint for the future of public transportation in Central Texas.
Our plan includes a comprehensive evaluation of our transit system and changes to how people are traveling in the Central Texas region. The final plan will outline strategies to update transit services, upgrade infrastructure and better meet your needs over the next five to ten years.
A well-designed transit plan provides an updated transit system that connects people to jobs, education, and places they enjoy. The plan also lays the groundwork to make the updated transit system a reality. Together, we will identify what changes need to be made, step by step, and what resources are needed to achieve the plan’s goals.
Community input is at the heart of any good transit plan. Your feedback will shape what the plan prioritizes, based on the preferences and needs of community members. You, the rider, are shaping the future of what public transit looks like in central Texas.
Community Engagement
Thank you to everyone who shared their vision for transit in Central Texas with us during our first round of feedback last fall or participated in any of our engagement opportunities. View the Engagement Report to see how your input will shape Transit Plan 2035.
Visit the digital engagement page and see the closed Round 1 Survey. If you did not get to take the survey you can also read some of the most commonly questions asked in our Engagement Survey Q&A.
If you didn't get to attend the webinar we hosted in October, you can still watch the recording to hear our community's vision for Transit Plan 2035. You can also read our Community Visioning Webinar Q&A here.
Technical Analysis
Transit Plan 2035 studies our current transit system and how people travel in the region, using technical analysis and community feedback to guide CapMetro's service over the next decade and beyond.
The Existing Conditions Report is an important milestone for the project’s technical analysis. Pairing data from our system with a variety of trusted data sources provides us with a detailed understanding of the current state of central Texas transportation. We know that numbers and data don’t tell the full picture, and that’s where you come in; sign up for updates on how you can get involved and share your transit experience with us below.

Get in Touch
We want to hear your questions, concerns and feedback.
Email us at transitplan2035@capmetro.org
Contact our Customer Service Team at 512-474-1200 or customer.service@capmetro.org