CapMetro Board Meetings

The CapMetro board of directors works hard to stay in touch with all of the communities we serve. The board holds regular public meetings, which are streamed live, and the public is always welcome to attend to share ideas and feedback.

March Board Meetings:

  • Wednesday, March 12 at 10:30 a.m. — finance committee meeting
  • Wednesday, March 12 at noon — public hearing on proposed June 2025 service changes
  • Wednesday, March 12 at 12:30 p.m. — operations committee meeting
  • Monday, March 24 at noon — board meeting

Board agendas, backup materials, videos, and full meeting calendar are all published at the CapMetro board web portal.

Public Comment Registration for CapMetro Board Meetings

Speakers may elect to speak in person or remotely during the Public Comment portion at the beginning of the meeting. You can register to speak by completing the Public Comment form outside the board room before the meeting. If you wish to speak remotely, contact CapMetro via email or phone (at 512-369-6040) at least 2 hours prior to the start of the first meeting on any meeting day.

Each speaker will have 3 minutes to address the board on a single topic or 5 minutes if discussing more than one item on the agenda. Non-English speakers requiring a translator will receive twice as much time to address the board. If more than one member of the public from a particular group is present and requests to comment, the chair may ask the group to select one representative to present the group’s view. That person will be allowed 5 minutes to speak.

It’s left to the board’s discretion to waive these procedures when necessary to conduct board meetings efficiently and effectively. CapMetro reserves the right to remove anyone who causes a disturbance at an open meeting or take other actions to promote an orderly meeting.

CapMetro Board Meeting Location and Streaming

Meetings are held in the Rosa Parks Boardroom at CapMetro headquarters on East 5th Street.

For your convenience, board meetings are streamed live and full board meetings are televised on ATXN Channel 6. Videos of previous board meetings and public hearings, as well as backup material for each meeting, are located in the board archives

F.A.A. Committee

O.P.S. Committee

Full Board Meeting

 10 a.m.12:30 p.m.Noon
JanuaryWednesday, 1/15cancelledMonday, 1/27 (12:30 p.m.)
FebruaryWednesday, 2/12Wednesday, 2/12Monday, 2/24
MarchWednesday, 3/12
Wednesday, 3/12Monday, 3/24
AprilMonday, 4/14
Monday, 4/14
Monday, 4/21
MayWednesday, 5/7Wednesday, 5/7Monday, 5/19
JuneWednesday, 6/11
Wednesday, 6/11Monday, 6/23
JulyWednesday, 7/16
Wednesday, 7/16
Monday, 7/28
AugustWednesday, 8/13
Wednesday, 8/13
Monday, 8/25
SeptemberWednesday, 9/10Wednesday, 9/10Monday, 9/22
OctoberWednesday, 10/8Wednesday, 10/8
Monday, 10/20
NovemberWednesday, 11/5Wednesday, 11/5Monday, 11/17
DecemberWednesday, 12/10
Wednesday, 12/10Wednesday, 12/17

All dates and times of the meetings are subject to change. Please see the posted agenda for changes to the order of business (e.g., public comments first, advisory reports second and regular business third). Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. For more information, please call or email Ed Easton, board liaison at or 512-369-6040.

It is the policy of the board of directors that input from the public is encouraged. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that interested parties representing various points of view are allowed time to present their views while, permitting the board to conduct its meetings in an efficient and effective manner.

ADA COMPLIANCE; Reasonable modification and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call 512-369-6040 or e-mail if you need more information.

Board of directors meeting procedures:
  • Members of the public may sign up to speak on any action item or topic outside the board meeting room prior to the board meeting. Copies of the posted board meeting agenda and request for comment forms will be available outside the board meeting room prior to the board meeting.
  • Members of the public may also sign up to speak remotely via Microsoft Teams or telephone by contacting CapMetro via email or phone (at 512-369-6040) at least 2 hours prior to the start of the first meeting on any meeting day.
  • Public comment will be received at each board and committee meeting, generally as the first item on the meeting agenda. All public comment on both general topics and agenda items will be received at this time.
  • Speakers will have 3 minutes to speak. Speakers who wish to address more than 1 action item or topic on the agenda may request 5 minutes when they sign up to speak.
  • If more than 1 member of a particular group has requested to speak, the group must select a single representative to present its view. In such a case, the group's representative will be allowed 5 minutes to speak.
ADA COMPLIANCE: Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call 512-369-6040 or email if you need more information.