
CapMetro Access

Access is a demand-response, shared-ride service for people whose disabilities prevent them from riding our other bus and rail services. Access service complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).

As defined by the ADA, a disability is recognized, with respect to an individual, as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Anyone who, by reason of disability, is unable to use CapMetro's fully accessible bus and rail services may be eligible for Access Service.

Access Eligibility Application

You must complete both parts of this application in order for us to review your qualifications.

Part A: Fill out the applicant's information on this form.

Part B: Request that your licensed healthcare professional complete this form.

For more information, see the Eligibility page.

Access Service Areas

CapMetro Access provides paratransit service to complement CapMetro's fixed route bus system with comparable hours, days, and service area. CapMetro Access service area is provided within ¾ of a mile of CapMetro's regular fixed route services.

Fixed route service changes that impact the service area, days of service, or hours of service will directly affect CapMetro Access' service area, service days and service hours.

The term "paratransit" refers to transit that is parallel in service to fixed-route bus service. Service areas throughout the week, depending on days and time.

See where Access goes on our interactive  ADA compliant Service Area Map.

Book Your Trip

Access riders can book and manage trips seamlessly, track their vehicle and enjoy a stress-free ride. Call 512-852-7272 to book by phone or click HERE to open the CapMetro Access Websitefirst time users should select "Log In" and enter their phone number when prompted.

Log In Now


Download the CapMetro Access App

Help Us Test NaviLens 

Help us test new wayfinding technology for blind or low-vision riders by downloading the NaviLens App and visiting a bus stop equipped with a NaviLens code.

For more information, be sure and check out:

Professional services, options and support:

Anyone interested in becoming a certified Access rider must go through an in-person eligibility review. For information about the eligibility process, to request a Access application or to schedule an eligibility review, please contact 512-389-7501 or

For more information about the Access program, please call:

All Access services:

Tel: 512-852-7272
Fax: 512-369-7779

Access Eligibility:

Tel: 512-389-7501
Fax: 512-369-7779

CapMetro Travel Training:

Tel: 512-369-6083
Office hours: Weekdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Call center hours

Weekdays, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

CapMetro General Information

Customer Service GO Line: 512-474-1200
Customer Service TDD: 512-385-5872

We offer free travel training for seniors and riders with disabilities. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 512-369-6083. View the travel training brochure.

If you have a wheelchair or scooters that are challenging to secure on our vehicles, we offer a free service that provides yellow tethers (nylon loops) or identification tape to easily identify safe securement placement for CapMetro vehicle operators. Trained professionals will evaluate your mobility device to determine the best location to place the tethers or tape.

This service is provided by appointment only. To make an appointment, please contact the Travel Trainers at by calling 512-369-6083 or

CapMetro is committed to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and complies with all applicable rules and regulations issued by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). CapMetro provides reasonable modification to policies and procedures for customers with disabilities to ensure they can effectively use the agency's transit services.

Individuals requesting a modification should clearly describe what they need in order to use CapMetro bus and paratransit services. When feasible, please make any requests for modifications in advance by contacting: Access Customer Service at 512-852-7272, Access Eligibility at 512-389-7501 or Martin Kareithi, our Director of Systemwide Accessibility, at 512-389-7583. Where a request for modification cannot be made in advance, such as if a barrier or condition exists about which a customer is unaware, a determination will be made at the time of the request.

For more information or to file a complaint regarding a failure to provide a reasonable modification to policies and procedures, please contact:

Martin Kareithi, Director, Systemwide Accessibility
Phone: 512-389-7583
Martin Kareithi
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
2910 East 5th St.
Austin, TX 78702

CapMetro está comprometido con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés) y cumple con todas las reglas y regulaciones aplicables emitidas por el Departamento de Transporte de los Estados Unidos (USDOT) y la Administración Federal de Tránsito (FTA). CapMetro proporciona una modificación razonable a las políticas y procedimientos para los clientes con discapacidades para asegurar que puedan utilizar los servicios de tránsito de la agencia de una forma efectiva.

Las personas que soliciten alguna modificación deben describir claramente lo que necesitan para utilizar los servicios de autobús y de paratránsito de CapMetro. Cuando sea posible, por favor haga cualquier solicitud de modificación con anticipación, poniéndose en contacto con: Servicio al Cliente de Access al 512-852-7272, Elegibilidad al Access al 512-389-7501 o con nuestro director de accesibilidad en todo el sistema. Cuando no se pueda hacer una solicitud de modificación con anticipación, por ejemplo, si existe una barrera o condición que un pasajero no esté consciente, se tomará una determinación en el momento que la solicitud he hecho.

Para obtener más información o presentar una queja con respecto al incumplimiento de proporcionar una modificación razonable a las polÌticas y procedimientos, por favor póngase en contacto con:

Martin Kareithi, director, accesibilidad en todo el sistema
Phone: 512-389-7583
Martin Kareithi
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
2910 East 5th St.
Austin, TX 78702

For additional support regarding ADA compliance, you may contact Martin Kareithi, Director of Systemwide Accessibility, at 512-389-7583 or at

The following senior transportation solutions are provided in Austin and surrounding areas (CapMetro doesn't operate all services listed):

  1. Reduced Fare ID: Half price fare on all services for those aged 65 or older
  2. Pickup: Low cost, on-demand rides within select neighborhoods
  3. CARTS: Public transit in rural areas surrounding Austin
  4. Senior Rider's Guide: Helpful guidelines and resources from the Office of Mobility Management
  5. Senior Transportation from PARD: The City of Austin provides donation-based rides to seniors.

Reminder: All CapMetro services are wheelchair and scooter accessible. Our operators are trained to get you there safely and securely.