Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program

What is DBE?

The Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“CapMetro”), a public transportation provider located in Austin, Texas, submits this report on its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (“DBE”) triennial goal and the methods used to calculate it, to the United States Department of Transportation’s (“USDOT” or “DOT”) Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”) for review in accordance with §26.45 of Title 49 C.F.R. Part 26 (“Part 26”) and USDOT guidance.

Since CapMetro anticipates awarding prime contracts that equal or exceed the cumulative amount of $250,000.00 in the forthcoming Federal Fiscal Years (“FFYs”), it must establish an overall triennial DBE goal for FTA assisted contracts. This submission covers FFYs 2023-2025 and establishes an overall DBE goal of 22.5%. CapMetro plans to achieve its goal using 10% race-neutral measures and a remainder of 12.5% race-conscious measures.

The DBE Program

  • Ensures equal opportunity in transportation contracting markets.
  • Addresses the effects of discrimination in transportation contracting.
  • Promotes increased participation in federally funded contracts by small, socially and economically disadvantaged businesses, including minority- and women-owned enterprises.

The statute requires that at least 10 percent of the amounts made available for any Federal-aid highway, mass transit and transportation research and technology program be expended with certified DBEs.

CapMetro's DBE Policy

CapMetro's DBE Policy outlines our mission and goals for the program.

  • Ensure non-discrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted and locally funded contracts.
  • Create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for DOT-assisted and locally funded contracts.
  • Ensure that the DBE program is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable law.
  • Ensure that only firms that fully meet 49 CFR part 26 eligibility standards can participate as DBEs.
  • Help remove barriers to the participation of DBEs in DOT-assisted and locally funded contracts.
  • Assist the development of firms that can compete successfully in the marketplace outside the DBE program.

Federal Regulation, 49 CFR, Part 26, Subpart E, section 26.81 states that each state must implement a "one stop" certification process for DBEs. Each entity receiving DOT funds is required to enter into and sign an agreement establishing and supporting a Unified Certification Program (UCP) within the state.

In response to this mandate, 6 agencies have agreed to perform the certification of DBEs within the state of Texas under the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP). The agencies are: Texas Department of Transportation, North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, city of Houston, city of Austin and the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority.

For more information about the U.S. DOT's DBE program, see the DOT's website.

Tell us what you think!

Click HERE or scan the QR code below to take the DEI One-on-One Survey.

QR code for survey

Fill out the DBE application and return it to the certification agency in your area.

The certifying agencies are:

Once a firm has been certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), it will remain certified for at least 3 years, unless its certification has been removed for reasons outlined in 49 CFR Sec. 26.87.

CapMetro actively encourages DBEs to solicit bids for CapMetro requirements. Once your company is certified, our Procurement Department will receive information about it for future sourcing activities.

For more detailed information, visit the Texas Unified Certification Program DBE Information Directory.

Subcontracting with prime contractors

CapMetro prime contractors are encouraged to subcontract to DBEs. This program is also administered by CapMetro's DBE office.

All procurements in excess of $50,000 are examined by the DBE office to determine if DBE subcontracting goals can be reasonably established. To make this determination, DBE carefully examines 2 key elements:

  • Subcontracting opportunities for each procurement
  • Number of DBE firms available in each subcontracting category
If goals are established, potential prime contractors to CapMetro are expected to make their best efforts to meet these goals (e.g., 25 percent of the contract price will flow to DBEs). When addressing DBE goals in bid or proposals, potential contractors are required to comply with the provisions and instructions outlined in the solicitation.

If my business is certified as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB), am I considered a DBE?

No, not automatically. The DBE program is different from the HUB program. The DBE program is a federally regulated program requiring a separate certification process than the state's HUB program. The net worth of the company is one of the critical factors in determining who is eligible to be a DBE. The net worth of the company cannot exceed $1,320,000.

How long is a DBE Certification valid?

DBE Certification is generally valid for up to 3 years. However, on the anniversary of its certification date, a DBE must submit an affidavit that certifies it as a DBE, affirming that there are no changes in circumstances affecting size, disadvantaged status, ownership or control requirements of 49 CFR, or any material change in the information provided in the application.

What is the Texas Unified Certification Program?

The TUCP is a one-stop certification process for federal DBE programs in Texas. The TUCP consolidates all certified DBE firms into a centralized DBE directory for U.S. DOT-funded contracts for airports, highways and public transit.

In our continued effort to make our processes more efficient for you, CapMetro is pleased to offer an easy-to-use system for tracking and reporting contracts. Called B2GNow, the system makes it convenient for prime vendors to report payments made to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. In addition, the system includes a Vendor Reporting System (VRS) module for vendors to report payments to subcontractors and allows subcontractors to verify the payments associated with their contracts.

Jacqueline Evans
Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Carlos Balderas
Manager Supplier Diversity and Civil Rights
Jacqueline Gholston
Specialist II Supplier Diversity
Cassie J. Flores-Peoples
Specialist I Supplier Diversity
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