Moody Center Events Detour

CapMetro Bus services will be detoured for events occurring at Moody Center from 7 p.m. until end of event. Check UT Shuttle Routes 640, 670, 671 and 672 detour information below.

640 Inbound
  1. From MLK
  2. Right on IH-35 Frontage NB
  3. Merge Right on Dean Keeton turnaround to WB Dean Keeton
  4. Left Robert Dedman
  5. Right on Deloss Dodds Way

Detour 1
  1. From Dellos Dodds (ITP)
  2. Left on Robert Dedman
  3. Right on Dean Keeton
  4. Right on IH 35 SB Frontage to Regular Route

Detour 2
  1. Continue San Jacinto
  2. Right on Dean Keeton
  3. Right on IH-35 SB Frontage to Regular Route
    Riders can use Stop ID 3491 at San Jacinto and 23rd. 
    Stop ID 5039 and ID 5175 will be closed.