Safety Is Appealing!
We go bananas over staying safe in and around CapMetro services and facilities. With double tracking, we want to make sure you're keeping safety top of mind on and around the train. Whether you’re a driver, CapMetro rider, pedestrian, cyclist or scooter rider, here are some safety tips:
Don't get squished! Stay off the tracks!
Rail Safety Tip: Walking along the tracks is dangerous, not a shortcut. Use sidewalks and pedestrian crossings when near train tracks. With our new double tracking, you should expect a train on any track in either direction. We urge you to look both ways before you cross the tracks at a designated crossing.
When you're on the rail platform, be sure to stay behind the painted and raised markings.
Have a bunch of patience.
Driver Safety Tip: Never speed under or drive around lowering gates or flashing lights, it's illegal and dangerous.
Shortcuts can seem a-peeling, but they aren’t worth your safety.
Rider Safety Tip: After exiting the bus, don't cross in front of the vehicle. Even if the bus is stopped, other vehicles may be approaching and they can't always see you when crossing in front of the bus. It's not safe!
Please cross only at designated crossings and follow the pedestrian signals.
Wait until the time is ripe!
Pedestrian Safety Tip: Always use the crosswalk. Crossing anywhere else is illegal and dangerous. Crosswalks provide a level of protection, because drivers expect to see pedestrians at crosswalks.
Do not use your phone while crossing a street. You need to be aware of what's happening all around you and that's not easy to do if you're looking down.
Slip ups can happen around scooters and bikes.
Scooter Safety Tip: Never park your scooter on the sidewalk or near the train tracks and always dock your bike at one of our bike stations. Always wear a helmet when using any bike!
Be courteous and don't make a mess by leaving your scooter at our stations. It's important to keep walking paths clear for pedestrians and those
using wheelchairs.
Watch out! There's a bunch of us on board
Driver Safety Tip: Our buses carry a bunch of people every day and it's important to keep a safe distance, since we stop so frequently. Like you learned in driver's ed: give at least 3 seconds of space when following behind our vehicles and keep your eyes peeled for pedestrians.
Travel in bunches, there’s safety in numbers.
We recommend having a transit buddy when possible, especially if you’re traveling at night. If you ever find yourself worried about your safety on transit, there are
a number of different ways for you to let us know.