Kevin Muñoz
"Community Journey" and "Plant of Happiness"


"There is a lot of wonder in our everyday travels around town. I wanted to highlight some of the things one might see in "Community Journey" while traveling commuting. The hard-working people of the neighborhood, the plants, the sun, even the river and hill country in the distance. They are all part of our everyday life. While engaging the community, one little girl's feedback really stayed with me. This piece is for her. It's about the desire for beauty and growth. I hope she and the other folks in the community are able to see this piece and enjoy it."

Artist Bio: Kevin Muñoz is a self-taught artist who works in a folk realm of warm colors and loose textures to explore concepts of identity, longing, and happiness. His design background informs his practice as does his  Guatemalan roots. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and daughter.

About the Art: 8"x10"

Follow the Artist: Artist Website | Artist Instagram