CapMetro Launches Project Connect Virtual Open House

AUSTIN, Texas - CapMetro invites Austin residents to attend the Project Connect Virtual Open House. The virtual open house is designed to welcome a new round of feedback to the Project Connect plan; a plan that has been 20 years in the making and since 2018, has engaged more than 40,000 people.

The virtual open house will allow visitors to choose their own path to learn more about the project. From a quick high-level look at the overall plan for those with limited time, to in-depth sections about the system features with integrated engagement surveys to collect feedback, the online experience is designed for anyone to be able to partake. It and upcoming virtual community meetings are in preparation for the CapMetro Board of Directors and Austin City Council joint session on June 10.

Visitors to the open house will see the plan has some updates due to recent technical analysis and public input. In the latest Draft System Plan, the Gold Line was updated from bus rapid transit to a light rail service, extending from ACC Highland to South Congress Transit Center.

“We are listening to the community and hear that people want to improve mobility in Austin and our surrounding areas. It will not get substantially better without a significant investment in transit,” said CapMetro President and CEO Randy Clarke. "Project Connect is an integrated transit system that will bring jobs to our region, improve the environment and better connect people so everyone can thrive in our community."

Project Connect will expand transit capacity and offer more choices, better connecting the entire Central Texas region. The vision goes beyond how we move people from A to Z; great cities are built to take care of their people.

In the context of COVID-19, economic growth and job opportunity have become even more relevant to Central Texans. Construction of Project Connect as planned is likely to generate 200,000 direct and indirect jobs over the build-out of the plan. The consistent stream of phased project construction can provide people with steady paychecks for years to come.

Traffic in Austin dropped by nearly half when the COVID-19 crisis began. When the community returns to work, traffic will be back too. Project Connect is our opportunity to move beyond the gridlock, improve air quality and strengthen connections to our communities.

The virtual open house, as well as technical documentation and details of previous community engagement, are available at  Project Connect.

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Jenna Maxfield, 512-592-2171