Using our Trip Planning Tools
Our Trip Planner features 3 tools that allow you to figure out which bus to take, where the most convenient stop is located and when the next bus is scheduled to depart. You can also toggle which services you want or are able to use including bus, bike, train and Pickup. Get to your stop or station at least 5 minutes before the departure time - traffic congestion makes setting departure times an inexact science.
Plan your trip with confidence. Whether you need to leave right now or get to an appointment by a certain time, the Trip Planner lets you know the best option for traveling by Cap Metro.
- Select your starting point and your destination
- Choose a departure time or when you need to arrive.
- The Trip Planner provides up to 3 options and lets you choose which best fits your needs.
- You can print the directions, add them to your calendar or share the link.
Next Departure
You've decided to take the bus from your home, but aren't sure when the next one is going to leave, what do you do? Use the Next Departure tab. Simply enter an address or a Bus Stop ID, and the Trip Planner will pull up the nearest stops and suggest possible routes with their next scheduled departure times.
Locate Tool
At a friend's new apartment or a restaurant you've never been to before and need to get home? Use the Trip Planner's Locate tool to figure out which route is best to take.
Use the "Settings" button to view Stops or a Live Map of buses currently operating. Then, simply enter an address, an intersection, the Bus Stop ID number or even a landmark (like "Zilker Park"), and the Trip Planner will display all of the nearby routes. Choose one of the options.
Using the Transit App
Plan your trip on-the-go with the Transit app. Whether you're taking Bus, bike, or Rail, the Transit app will show you how to get where you're going.
- Enter your Bus line or destination
- Choose your departure time or when you want to arrive
- Select the route that works best for you. The Transit App will show available Bus, bike, and Rail options
- Once your route is selected, press GO to track your trip and get real-time service alerts.