Using our Schedules & Maps

Need a visual reference for our bus routes? Need to print our timetables? Our Schedules & Maps will help you see where our routes begin and end.

Reading a Schedule 

We offer dozens of different bus routes; their schedules will let you know an estimated departure time from their various stops throughout the day. Here's what you'll see when consulting a schedule:

    It's important to remember that buses have many additional bus stops between the timepoints that are listed in the schedule. If you want see all stops or view real-time information, consult our Trip Planner, use the Transit app or call the GO Line.

    *Note: For a complete list of stops serving your route, please select “Show All Stops” on the route's Schedules & Maps.

    The System Map

    The CapMetro service area covers 535 square miles, and we've got a service that can get you just about anywhere you need to go within that area. The System Map displays every route we provide, from CapMetro Rail's 32 miles to each neighborhood route we offer. Pick up a printed System Map on board most buses or at the Transit Store.

    Additional Service Maps

    Our Rapid Routes run North to South along Austin's busiest corridors, North Lamar to South Congress and Burnet Road to South Lamar - connecting The Domain to Westgate and Tech Ridge to Southpark Meadows, with stops through UT campus and downtown

    COMING SOON: 800 Pleasant Valley connecting Mueller to Onion Creek via Pleasant Valley and Route 837 Expo Center connecting Loyola/Manor to UT and downtown. Get more information on Rapid Expansion


    Our commuter rail line takes you from the Downtown Station to Leander. Find its 9 stations and the entire 32-mile route here.

    Cap Metro after dark. Catch a ride on our late-night services, running until 3 a.m.

    Do your part to relieve traffic congestion by taking cars off the road and letting us do the driving. Our Park & Ride map will show you where you can park the car and pick up a ride with us.