ADA Compliance
ADA (Title II) Policy Statement
In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, CapMetro affirms that no qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program, service, or activity provided by a public entity, solely on the basis of their disability. At CapMetro, we are dedicated to ensuring full compliance with Title II of the ADA across all of our programs, services, activities, and benefits, fostering inclusivity and equal access for all. If you require assistance, auxiliary aids, or modifications to participate fully in our services, please contact:
Martin Kareithi, Director of Systemwide Accessibility, at 512-389-7583 or at
The Systemwide Accessibility department oversees compliance with ADA regulations under ADA federal regulations 49 CFR Parts 27, 37 and 38. This includes ensuring that ADA guidelines are consistently followed and applied.
Complaint Process
To file an ADA or accessibility complaint regarding CapMetro's programs or services, please fill out the online Title II Grievance Form, contact the Customer Service GO Line at 512-474-1200, or talk to us at CapMetro's Transit Store located at 209 West 9th St. Comments will be logged, investigated and responded to.
For more assistance in filing an ADA complaint, please contact Martin Kareithi, our Director of Systemwide Accessibility at 512-389-7583 or send an email to
Request a Modification
Individuals requesting a modification should clearly describe what they need in order to use CapMetro bus and paratransit services. When feasible, please make any requests for modifications in advance by contacting: Access Customer Service at 512-852-7272, Access Eligibility at 512-389-7501 or Martin Kareithi, our Director of Systemwide Accessibility, at 512-389-7583. Where a request for modification cannot be made in advance, such as if a barrier or condition exists about which a customer is unaware, a determination will be made at the time of the request.
For more information or to file a complaint regarding a failure to provide a reasonable modification to policies and procedures, please contact:
Phone: 512-389-7583
Martin Kareithi
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
2910 East 5th St.
Austin, TX 78702
If you have any accessibility concerns or experience any issues using the CapMetro website with assistive technology please refer to our accessibility statement. Read CapMetro's Accessibility Statement