South By Southwest (SXSW) Service

CapMetro's service for the annual South By Southwest festival gets you to and from events! However, due to a high volume of riders at peak event times, you may experience delays traveling in downtown or East Austin by CapMetro Bus from March 7-15. We are operating special extended Rail service during SXSW this year.

See full SXSW service information & maps 

NOTE: Trains will be packed! Rail is expected to experience a high volume of riders on March 8 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. due to Austin FC games at Q2 Stadium. Take earlier trains or bus to ensure on-time arrival to Q2 Stadium. Trains will be standing room only, so please squeeze in to make room for your fellow passengers. See Q2 Stadium Service info.

If you have any questions, please call our Customer Service GO Line at 512-474-1200.