Taking CapMetro is a great way to get back your money!
Use our online Trip Planner, Google Maps or the CapMetro App to see how you can leave your car at home and use CapMetro to get where you want to go.
Easy Trip Planning
No unpredictable gas prices
With temperatures and traffic rising, you’ll be using more gas to get around. Every penny you get back by saving on gas counts.
Lower Car Maintenance Costs
Oil, tires and filter changes can add up. Riding CapMetro means fewer visits to the auto shop.
Time is Money, Use it Well
The time you spend doing work or studying or catching up on email on public transit allows you to get back time spent driving.
Get back in more ways than you think
Buy a daily, weekly or monthly pass
A pass allows you unlimited rides for that time period, which is great for commuters and visitors alike. View our fares.
Keep your car longer, with less maintenance
Replacing your car is expensive, but riding CapMetro can keep your mileage lower and extend your car’s life
Park & Rides can save on those long commutes
If you don’t live near the train station or a major bus line, you can still save by parking your car at one of our 16 Park & Rides and taking transit. More info here.
Kids Ride Free
Whether it’s for school, activities or a family outing, Kids 18 and under ride free on all CapMetro services.
Enjoy the fresh air with CapMetro Bikeshare
Use our bikeshare to take you that final mile to your destination or enjoy a leisurely ride in Central Austin. And don’t forget to try our electric bikes. Kids ride free, so you can take them on the trails for free. Sign up here.
Pickup is perfect for neighborhood trips
Don’t own a car? Or maybe you don’t want to use it all the time? Our Pickup services can take you to local spots or connect you to our other transit routes within these service zones. And again, kids ride free!