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Application for Appointment to the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)

This is not a paid role. This is an application to be considered as an appointee to the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC). Selected applicants are appointed by the CapMetro board of directors upon recommendation by the CapMetro Chief Executive Officer.

Members are expected to attend meetings which are on the last Friday of every other month at 11:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted.

What is your race or ethnicity? (Select all that apply, or select "Other" if you prefer to self-describe.)

CapMetro recognizes and supports the concept of balanced representation in regard to filling vacancies on the Advisory Committees. To this end, every effort is made to appoint members who represent Austin’s diverse community, including citizens of all ethnic groups as well as people with disabilities.

NOTE: Your application is public information under the Texas Open Records Act. It will be kept on file for 12 months.

Do you have any known conflict of interests with CapMetro?:
Are you available the last Friday of every other month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.?

Describe your experience with transit in general or specifically with CapMetro services.

Describe any qualifications or expertise that relate to your interest in serving on the Public Safety Advisory Committee.

Reasonable accommodations and equal access to communication, including Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation, are provided upon request. To request interpretation services or materials in other languages, contact engage@capmetro.org.

It is suggested you submit a cover letter or resume with your application. You can submit these or inquire about the status of your application by emailing engage@capmetro.org.

If needed, applications and other documents can be sent via mail.
Return to: Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority - Community Engagement Department
2910 E. 5th Street, Austin, Texas 78702