Need to transfer? Make sure you buy the right pass before you hit the road.
If you're riding and have only a Single Ride Pass, you will need to pay another fare when transferring to another bus. For all other passes, there is no procedure for transferring between services. Simply swipe your pass as you would any other time.
Our High-Frequency Network - with its more direct routes and better connections
- requires our riders to transfer from one route to another more often. The great thing about the new network is that it's designed to make that a simpler process. With those better-connected routes operating every 15-30 minutes, 7 days a week, you'll
have to wait at a bus stop less because your next bus is likely less than 15-30 minutes away.
The Transit App is your best guide to knowing which bus to take and which route to
transfer to. Some tips:
- It tells you which route or routes are your best choice.
- It includes walking time to and from the bus stops and directions for how to locate the stop.
*For instance, if you have a paper Commuter Day Pass, that qualifies you to transfer between both Commuter and Local services. However, if you have a paper Local Day Pass, you're allowed to transfer between Local buses only. If you then want to take Rail
or an Express bus, you would need to purchase the Commuter fare.