CapMetro Access Riders' Guide

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In order to receive services, all CapMetro Access passengers must be certified through the in-person eligibility process outlined in this guide. Specific details on eligibility requirements and how to apply may be found in the Eligibility & Certification portion of this guide.

A person is likely to receive some level of paratransit service eligibility if his or her functional ability to use CapMetro's accessible fixed route services are impaired due-specifically-to a disability.

Persons with disabilities who can reasonably use regular bus or rail service are expected to do so.

CapMetro Access is a shared-ride paratransit service providing origin-to-destination service for eligible passengers seven (7) days a week. ”Shared ride” means that multiple passengers may receive service on the same vehicle, at the same time. CapMetro Access uses a mix of vehicle types and service providers to provide the best service possible.

CapMetro Access provides paratransit service to complement CapMetro's fixed route bus system with comparable hours, days, and service area. CapMetro Access service area is provided within ¾ of a mile of CapMetro's regular fixed route services.

Fixed route service changes that impact the service area, days of service, or hours of service will directly affect CapMetro Access' service area, service days and service hours.

NOTE: Public school districts are responsible for providing transportation for (grade K - 12) students during regular school hours and days

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that was passed in 1990. An important part of this law ensures civil rights protection and access to public transit services for qualified persons with disabilities. ADA law established regulations requiring that jurisdictions provide the same public transportation opportunities to people with disabilities, as to those without disabilities.

To accomplish this, complementary (parallel) transit service (known as paratransit) is provided to those with disabilities who are unable to use fixed route service, either some or all of the time (ADA regulations for paratransit may be found under 49 CFR Part 37). CapMetro Access is CapMetro's paratransit service.

ADA complementary service applies to “standard” or “regular” fixed-route bus lines. It does not include commuter bus or rail service, dial-a-ride, limited stop routes, express service, flex route service or commuter rail service.

ADA law defines a disability, with respect to an individual, as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working). The mere presence of a disability does not make a person eligible for CapMetro Access paratransit service.

Who is Eligible

Paratransit eligibility is defined by the ADA (49 CFR PART 37.123) and includes three categories:

  • ADA Category 1: A person who is unable to board, ride, or exit any vehicle independently on the fixed route system that is readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities.
  • ADA Category 2: A person who needs the assistance of a wheelchair lift and one is not available on the fixed route service during the time the individual wishes to travel. (All CapMetro fixed route vehicles are fully accessible).
  • ADA Category 3: A person who has an impairment-related condition that prevents getting to or leaving a bus stop.

Types of Eligibility

CapMetro Access assigns categories of eligibility to passengers based on functional abilities. Eligibility categories are outlined within this section. Passengers certified for CapMetro Access will be granted eligibility for service up to four (4) years, depending on the type of eligibility granted.

Passengers are required to provide new or additional information related to their mobility any time the passenger's mobility level or disability significantly changes, even if it is not yet time to recertify for service.

Unconditional Eligibility
Individuals may qualify as unconditionally eligible if they are unable to access or ride the fixed route system under any reasonable circumstances. Individuals who meet ADA criteria for full unconditional paratransit service eligibility may schedule rides from any origin to any destination within the ADA service area, during service hours comparable to fixed route service. Unconditional eligibility will be granted for up to four years.

Unconditionally eligible passengers will be required to recertify through the standard in-person eligibility process after their eligibility periods end.

Passengers who have a disability or condition which permanently prevents them from using the fixed route system, now or at any point in the future, and who have already attended an in-person interview at least once, may be allowed to bypass the standard eligibility recertification process. These qualifying passengers will be notified that they are not required to undergo an in-person eligibility review to recertify for service; instead they will be required to update their information on an ongoing basis.

Conditional Eligibility
Some applicants are able to use the fixed route system at least some of the time, under certain conditions. Conditionally eligible passengers include persons who are eligible for paratransit only when certain conditions exist including, but not limited to, seasonal (cold, heat, dark, light), pathway (uneven, curb cuts, incline, inaccessible bus stop, complex traffic, and distance), navigational, or other applicable conditions. Accommodation for conditionally eligible passengers may also include transportation between an inaccessible location and the accessible fixed route.

Conditionally eligible passengers are only authorized to use CapMetro Access when the conditions are present. As an example, when a person designated “extreme heat only” needs to ride in the middle of a hot summer day in Austin, they can use CapMetro Access, but on a cool fall day, they would be required to ride regular fixed route service.

The simple rule to remember, if a passenger is determined conditionally eligible, is:

If I am able to take the trip on the regular fixed route bus, then I must take my trip on the fixed route bus.

A functional assessment may be used to determine the conditions under which a person is eligible for paratransit service. The details of these travel conditions will be included in the eligibility decision letter the applicant receives by mail.

Transitional Eligibility
Passengers who have temporary disabilities or conditions which prevent them from accessing fixed route service may qualify for transitional eligibility. Passengers will be eligible to receive services for a length of time determined by a qualified transportation professional, using information gathered during the eligibility process.

The length of time eligibility is granted will be based on the unique needs of the passenger. Passengers will be notified by CapMetro at least 45 days before the transitional eligibility expires, as long as the eligibility period they have been granted exceeds this time frame.

If the temporary situation lasts longer than originally anticipated, the individual may be required to repeat the verification process and submit a new application. Transitional eligibility is granted for up to 2 years.

Eligibility for Children ages 5 and under
Children 5 and younger will be considered for paratransit eligibility based on the functional ability of both the accompanying adult and child (as a team) to use fixed route service. When an eligible child is traveling with an adult (who is serving as a Personal Care Attendant), a fare must be paid for the child and the adult attendant rides free.

Presumptive Eligibility
Applicants who have completed the paratransit eligibility process (with all necessary documentation received), but who have not received communication from CapMetro within 21 calendar days from receipt of the completed application, automatically receive presumptive eligibility. This entitles the applicant to unconditional eligibility automatically beginning on the 22nd day and ending when official notification of the eligibility decision from CapMetro has been received by the applicant.

Presumptive Eligibility does not apply in cases where additional documentation is requested or when the applicant does not complete the eligibility process.

Out-of-Town Visitors with Disabilities
Visitors to the CapMetro service area may be eligible to receive temporary paratransit services from CapMetro Access without the need to apply through the CapMetro application process. This also applies to CapMetro Access passengers who wish to travel to other cities that offer their own paratransit services. Visitor status is limited to 21 (may be non-consecutive) days of paratransit service in a year.

Visitors with disabilities should contact the CapMetro Access Eligibility office, at 512-389-7501, as far in advance as possible either to receive service or to request that verification of current CapMetro Access certification be sent to another city.

Visitors must provide current ADA eligibility for paratransit service from the city or region in which they reside or documentation of place of residence and nature of their disability. Visitors who require more than 21 days of service in the year will be required to apply for and complete the full CapMetro Access eligibility process.

Recertification for Existing Customers

Passengers are required to recertify their CapMetro Access eligibility every four (4) years or sooner, depending on the type of eligibility granted and potential changes of circumstances.

Most passengers will be required to come back to CapMetro Access to participate in the in-person eligibility review upon the expiration of eligibility.

If a passenger's disability or mobility improves to the point where paratransit is no longer needed before recertification, he or she must notify CapMetro Access.

A paratransit eligibility recertification application will be mailed by CapMetro approximately 60 days before eligibility expires.

Passengers should call CapMetro Access to schedule their assessment appointment at least 21 calendar days in advance of their eligibility expiration date to avoid an interruption of service.

Passengers who do not complete the recertification process before their eligibility expires may have a lapse in service until an eligibility determination is made.

Passengers who choose not to recertify at the time their service expires may still choose to re-apply for the service at any time in the future.

CapMetro reserves the right to review eligibility on an as-needed basis for registered CapMetro Access passengers. This is needed to ensure that registered passengers continue to meet eligibility criteria and to determine if or how the passenger's transportation needs have changed.

The Eligibility Process for New and Recertifying Customers

To participate in the CapMetro Access Eligibility Process, the following must occur: =*An applicant completes an Applicant Questionnaire.

  • A professional familiar with the applicant's condition(s) completes a Professional Verification.
  • The applicant schedules an in-person eligibility appointment, bringing the Applicant
  • Questionnaire and Professional Verification paperwork to the appointment.
  • The applicant participates in the in-person eligibility appointment consisting of an orientation, an interview, and (as needed) an assessment of the applicant's functional abilities.
  • The applicant may, if desired, present additional documentation regarding the applicant's functional abilities.

Following completion of these steps and receipt of any additional requested information, the Eligibility Department is then able to make an eligibility determination.

The CapMetro Access Application Packet consists of:

Applicant Questionnaire: The applicant or their designated representative must provide contact information such as a current home address, telephone number, emergency contact, e-mail, etc. The applicant or their designated representative will also provide information related to the applicant's functional abilities. The informed consent portion of the questionnaire MUST be signed.

Professional Verification: A qualified healthcare professional, with specific knowledge of the applicant's disability or medical condition, must complete (and sign) the Professional Verification. The Professional Verification CANNOT be completed by the applicant.

The qualified professional may be a physician, physical therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, qualified mental health professional, counselor from an established agency, or other similar professional. The professional must: 1) Verify that the applicant is an individual who has at least one disability or medical condition; and 2) Specify, from a medical perspective, how the applicant's disability (or disabilities), disabling health condition(s), and any related medications affect the applicant's functional abilities.

Scheduling an In-person Eligibility Appointment

MetroAccess vechicle driving down a laneOnce the Applicant Questionnaire and Professional Verification forms are complete, the applicant may schedule an in-person eligibility appointment by contacting the CapMetro Access Eligibility Department at 512-389-7501. The completed Applicant Questionnaire and Professional Verification must be brought with the applicant to appointment. Receipt of incomplete documentation will delay completion of the application process.

Eligibility reviews are scheduled in the order in which requests are received. A limited number of CapMetro in-person eligibility review appointments are available each day. CapMetro Access does not assign a higher priority to any applicant over another.

Free transportation to and from the in-person eligibility appointment is available to origin/destination addresses within the 3/4 mile ADA This transportation may be requested when scheduling the appointment with the Eligibility Team.

If the applicant will be unable to make the appointment, please cancel prior to 4pm the day before. This allows other applicants the opportunity to use the time slot.

Applicants that no show or cancel after 4pm the day before an in-person eligibility review appointment will have a no show applied to their record (as defined in this guide), should the person be deemed eligible for any level of CapMetro Access service. Applicants who do not become eligible for CapMetro Access service will not be penalized for a no-show or a late cancel.

Applicants who cancel or no-show their free eligibility evaluation trip after the second scheduled review will not be granted a third free eligibility evaluation trip on CapMetro Access, unless it is demonstrated that the no-show resulted from conditions outside the control of the passenger.

Attending the In-person Eligibility Appointment

All applicants for CapMetro's ADA paratransit service are required to come in to CapMetro's Eligibility and Mobility Training Center at least once for an in-person eligibility review.

What to bring to the appointment

  • Completed Applicant Questionnaire and Professional Verification forms
  • Additional documentation the applicant wishes to be considered in the Eligibility determination
  • A form of photo identification
  • All mobility aids (including service animals) they plan to use on the service
  • A list of current medications (if applicable to the disability or medical condition prompting the applicant to apply for service)
  • A statement of visual acuity (a measurement of visual function) for applicants with a visual impairment
  • Eligibility appointments may take up to 2 hours to complete. Applicants are encouraged to plan accordingly by bringing medications, water, snacks or anything else that may be needed for this length of time away from the home.

What happens at the appointment?

  • The applicant will check in at the reception desk.
  • An eligibility team member will meet the applicant in the waiting area and escort them to an interview suite.
  • The eligibility team member will take a photo of the applicant for the client record. This photo will be used on the customer's CapMetro Access ID card if they are approved for services.
  • The eligibility team member will provide the applicant an overview of CapMetro services.
  • The eligibility team member will review the completed Application Packet and any additional documentation the applicant has brought for consideration. The team member will then conduct a brief interview, asking questions related to the customer's disabilities or medical conditions and how they limit or prevent the applicant from using fixed route service.
  • If necessary, the applicant will be escorted to the functional assessment area where an independent assessor will review the customer's ability to complete transit-specific tasks such as boarding, de-boarding and navigating fixed route services.

If further information is required, CapMetro Access staff may contact the professional(s) that are currently treating the applicant.

The Eligibility Determination

MetroAccess customer with service animal being escortedThe applicant will be notified of the eligibility decision in writing within 21 calendar days of the Eligibility Review or upon receipt of all necessary documentation. If the eligibility process has been completed and notification is not received within 21 calendar days, the applicant will receive “presumptive eligibility” on the 22nd day, which will be in effect until the applicant is given the eligibility determination from CapMetro.

To check on the status of an application, please contact the CapMetro Access Eligibility Department at 512-389-7501.

Approved Eligibility
If the application for service is approved, the customer will receive a welcome packet through mail. It will include:

  • A CapMetro Access photo ID card
  • A CapMetro Access Rider Guide
  • Information on the Reduced Fare program for riding other CapMetro services
  • Information about the date range of service eligibility
  • An explanation about the type of eligibility for which the applicant qualifies (Unconditional, Conditional, Transitional). See the Types of Eligibility portion of this guide for further details.
  • An explanation of the service level for which the applicant has been approved (Hand-to-hand, Door-to-door, Curb-to-curb). See the Designated Service Levels portion of this guide for further details.
  • Information concerning free travel training services to all passengers
  • Any other additional information requested by the applicant during the eligibility review and orientation process

Denied Eligibility
If an application for service is denied, CapMetro will send a letter to the applicant within 21 calendar days that lists the specific reasons for the denial. The letter will tell the applicant how to proceed if he or she wishes to appeal the decision or to clarify any information that might have caused an erroneous denial.

The Eligibility Appeals Process

An appeals process is available for any applicant who would like to dispute an eligibility determination.

Appeals will be held at an accessible CapMetro facility or a passenger may request an accommodation to conduct the hearing over the phone.

The applicant is strongly encouraged to bring forth additional information for consideration if any is available. This will be the last opportunity for the applicant to provide additional information before the final decision is made.

Requesting an Appeal
An applicant may file an appeal of an eligibility determination within 60 calendar days from the date of a denial or eligibility status change by contacting the Eligibility Department. This may be done by:

T: 512-389-7501
F: 512-369-7779
Mail in:
CapMetro Accessible Services
2910 E. 5th St.
Austin, TX 78702

All passengers appealing their eligibility determination who have NOT completed a full functional assessment during their initial interview will be required to complete a full functional assessment before the appeal hearing.

New passengers applying for paratransit service will not receive services during the appeals process.

Recertifying passengers will continue with the eligibility type (Unconditional, Conditional with any applicable conditions, Transitional) they were receiving before recertification, until such time as the appeal appointment occurs and the appeals panel renders its decision. If the appeal appointment is no showed or rescheduled by the customer, access to the level of service received before recertification will only be valid for 60 calendar days from the original appeal request. After that time, if the new appeal appointment has not been scheduled or has not occurred, the most recent eligibility determination will be used.

Who Will Be Present at the Eligibility Appeal

  • The applicant himself/herself
  • The applicant's advocate (optional) to assist the assist in the process.
  • The Appeals Panel comprised of persons not involved in any part of the original eligibility decision
  • An Eligibility Department staff member and functional assessor whose role is to provide information at the appeal but NOT to vote on the final appeal determination
  • An observer to the process is allowed if the applicant is in agreement

The Appeal Decision

CapMetro Access Vehicle 2023The appellant will retain his or her previous level of service (where applicable) while awaiting the appeal panel's decision. The final decision will be provided to the appellant within 30 calendar days after the completion of the appeals process. The decision will be available to the applicant in an accessible format as needed.Should the appeal decision not be provided within 30 days of the completion of the appeal process, CapMetro will continue to provide the previous level of paratransit service to the recertification applicant and new applicants will receive unconditional presumptive eligibility. Presumptive or continuing eligibility will remain in place until CapMetro has notified the applicant of the final appeal decision.

The formal appeal hearing is the last step in the process and the appeal decision is therefore final.

CapMetro provides three service levels: curb-to-curb, door-to-door, and hand-to-hand.  customer with a service animal boarding MetroAccess bus

CapMetro works with each new and re-certifying passenger during the eligibility processes to determine what level of service is most appropriate. This determination is based on a person's functional abilities and any environmental constraints or conditions related to the passenger's disability.

Customer requests to change the designated service level (permanently, until recertification) may require that a customer schedule an appointment to return to the CapMetro Eligibility & Mobility Training Center for further evaluation.

Curb-to-Curb Service
Passengers are required to meet the vehicle at the pick-up location (generally the street-side curb). The vehicle operator will wait by the vehicle to assist passengers with boarding and/or alighting, and will not go to the door unless the service level requested for that trip is door-to-door.

customer shaking hands with a vehicle operator

Curb-to-curb service is the most appropriate level of service for CapMetro Access passengers who do not require assistance outside of the vehicle.

Some locations may be coded curb-to-curb for all passengers due to certain conditions where the CapMetro Access operator is unable to safely provide door-to-door service.

Passengers may still wait inside their home or building for the vehicle to arrive. Once the vehicle arrives, the passenger will have 5 minutes to leave the area where they were waiting, travel to the waiting vehicle and board.

It is recommended that passengers wait in a location where they or their companion/assistant can clearly identify the vehicle when it arrives.  A higher level of service (door-to-door) can be requested by the passenger either when the trip reservation is made or during the trip only if there are no conditions that prevent the operator from safely providing door-to-door service. Examples include, but may not be limited to: safety risks to the operator or other passengers, the operator losing sight of the vehicle, having to back the vehicle up, low clearances, etc. See section on Service Level Exceptions for more information.

Door-to-Door Service
At the pickup location, the vehicle operator will assist the passenger from the first doorway to the vehicle and help them to board the vehicle. A family waiting for a ride

At the drop off location, the vehicle operator will help the passenger alight from the vehicle and assist them to the first door of their drop off location.

Door-to-door service is the most appropriate level of service for CapMetro Access passengers who require vehicle operator assistance outside of the vehicle, but do not need to be received from/delivered directly into the care of a parent, guardian, or caretaker.

Hand-to-Hand Service
Hand-to-hand is the highest level of service CapMetro Access provides. This service is provided based on a passenger's high degree of dependency on others to achieve basic mobility based on their level of function.

CapMetro Access vehicle operators providing this level of service must make contact with an appropriate person when meeting the passenger at the trip origin and dropping that passenger off at the trip destination.Under no circumstances is a hand-to-hand passenger allowed to be left alone.

If the CapMetro Access vehicle operator is unable to locate an appropriate person for hand-to-hand service at the drop off location within 5 minutes, the vehicle operator will retain the passenger on board until an appropriate person can be located by CapMetro Access dispatchers or supervisors. If an appropriate person is not present to receive the passenger upon arrival of the CapMetro Access vehicle to the destination, it will be considered a service delay equivalent to a "no-show". For this reason, the rider will be charged with a "no-show" and will be subject to the rules and regulations of the no-show policy. The vehicle may continue in service with the passenger onboard.

Service Level Exceptions

MetroAccess vehicle operator assisting wheelchair customer deboardingVehicle operators shall not provide service that exceeds curb-to-curb service if the vehicle operator is required to:

  • Leave the direct proximity of the vehicle for lengthy periods of time (beyond five minutes)
  • Lose sight of the vehicle
  • Take actions that would be clearly unsafe (back a vehicle more than a car length, enter a narrow drive, cross a street, etc.)
  • Leave other passengers unattended
  • Go beyond the ground floor of a building
  • Assist a wheelchair over more than one step
  • Unlock a building door
  • Pass the threshold of a door at any residential location
Any other prohibited activities listed in the Vehicle Operator Responsibilities section of this guide

Passengers who require a higher level of service than curb-to-curb, but for whom service cannot be provided at their origin or destination address due to any of the conditions listed above, will need to work with CapMetro Access to identify alternative options that will ensure safety for passengers and vehicle operators at all times.

vehicle operator escorting a customer with Willie Nelson statue in viewArea & Hours
CapMetro makes changes to its service area a minimum of three times per year. Preceding each service change, public hearings are held to gather customer input. Changes to fixed route service may directly affect the service area, service days, and service hours of CapMetro Access paratransit service.

Service Area
CapMetro provides paratransit service within the CapMetro ADA paratransit service area. The trip origin and trip destination must be within a ¾ mile corridor surrounding “regular” fixed route service routes. If a regular fixed route is not operating in a particular area at a particular time of day, CapMetro Access does not operate in that area either.

Regular fixed route service does not include commuter bus or rail service, dial-a-ride, limited stop routes, express service, flex route service or commuter rail service.

Interactive ADA service corridor maps are available online.

Holiday Service
CapMetro Access provides paratransit service every day of the year. Abbreviated (reduced) service is provided during the holidays listed below and is subject to change.

  • New Year's Day
  • MLK Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day

Subscription Trip Service is automatically cancelled on CapMetro holidays.

Passengers with subscription trips must call CapMetro Access Reservations to rebook their cancelled subscription trip for the day.

Holidays that fall on a weekend but are observed on a Friday or a Monday will result in the cancellation of subscription trips on the observed holiday AND the actual holiday.

For more details on subscription service please refer to the Subscription Trip Service section of this guide.

CapMetro Access observes the same holidays as the CapMetro fixed route services. For current information on holiday service, visit CapMetro's Holiday Calendar.

customers buying tickets and passes at the downtown Transit StoreAll CapMetro Access passengers, regardless of age, must pay the appropriate fare to receive service. This is consistent with passengers riding CapMetro's fixed-route system.

Companions are required to pay the same fare as the ADA paratransit eligible individuals they accompany, unless the companion is 5 years of age or younger.

Companions performing the duties of a Personal Care Attendant will not be charged for paratransit service.

Emergency and military personnel in uniform ride all CapMetro services, including CapMetro Access, at no charge.

Using, producing or distributing fraudulent fare media, as well as using other passengers' passes, are grounds for service suspension, and may result in service termination and possible prosecution.

CapMetro Access operators are not permitted to accept tips and/or gifts for services. If you wish to show your gratitude you may always share a kind word with them or submit a formal compliment through our customer service team at 512-385-0190.

As regulated by ADA law, CapMetro Access fares will not exceed twice the fare of fixed route service.

Where to Purchase Your Fare
Fixed Route and CapMetro Access Ticket and Pass fares can be purchased in multiple ways:

  • In person, by visiting the CapMetro Transit Store at 1705 Guadalupe St. Please be prepared to show your Access ID card to validate your eligibility at time of purchase.
  • Through your phone (see Access Rider Tools for details).
  • Through Retail Outlets: in limited quantities through retail outlets such as HEB and other grocery stores
For current fares, a complete list of retail outlets, or for more information on purchasing fares by any of the above methods, please visit the CapMetro Fares & Passes webpage or call the GO Line at 512-474-1200.

Remember: CapMetro Access customers ride fixed route services at a reduced rate! Simply tap your CapMetro Access ID card on the fare box upon boarding the vehicle and pay a cash fare or insert a stored value card. CapMetro Access monthly passes are valid for use on all CapMetro bus and train services, but fixed route passes do not apply to travel on CapMetro Access.

Passes are not transferable between passengers.

Paying Your Fare
CapMetro Access vehicle operators do not accept cash fares. Each applicable rider must present a valid CapMetro Access paper or smart phone ticket or monthly pass to the vehicle operator prior to boarding the vehicle.

While CapMetro Access tickets may be purchased through the smart phone app in advance, please do not activate your smart phone ticket until the vehicle is arriving. Smart phone tickets are only valid for 20 minutes after they are activated.

Passengers may start using CapMetro Access paratransit service immediately upon approval of eligibility for service.

The first step is to make a reservation (book a trip) for a ride.  several passengers riding a MetroAccess bus

Eligibility belongs to the passenger and therefore only the passenger or the authorized caregiver may make reservations. If another party other than the passenger or the authorized caregiver wants to make trip reservations on behalf of a rider, the CapMetro Access agent may ask the title and name of the person making the reservation on behalf of the passenger.

Passengers should allow plenty of time for travel to and from their destination and between trips. Ride times are not comparable to those of a taxi or a private vehicle. CapMetro Access is a shared-ride service that provides comparable ride times to those of CapMetro's fixed route services. This should be kept in mind when making a reservation to allow passengers some extra time to get to the destination stress-free.

Requests for a specific vehicle operator or service provider are not accommodated. Individual vehicle requirements are determined during the eligibility process and may not be requested at the time of reservation. This allows CapMetro Access to utilize a mixed fleet of vehicles through various service providers.

Before Making a Reservation

Prior to making a reservation, passengers should gather the following information about their trips:

  • Rider name and CapMetro Access ID number
  • Complete street addresses of pick up and drop off locations (for example, 1234 East Main Street, Suite 102)
  • Date of travel
  • A requested pickup or drop off (appointment) time (remembering to leave enough time to reach the final destination after the passenger is dropped off)
  • Information about any individuals who will be traveling with the passenger
  • Information about any mobility devices (including service animals) the passenger will be using
  • Additional information about the pickup and drop off locations (business name, building #, gate code, apartment complex name, office building, grocery store, etc.)
  • Any other information that will help the vehicle operator to locate the passenger.

Where to Make a Reservation

All trips will be scheduled within 1 hour (before or after) the requested time as permitted by ADA law. This means the exact requested time may not be available and thus is not guaranteed.

Trips will be scheduled with a window of time called the 30-minute ready window. This 30-minute ready window will be the time frame during which a passenger can expect the pickup to occur.

Registered CapMetro Access passengers may make a reservation (book a trip) through the following methods:

  • Through the automated telephone system at 512-852-7272.
  • Through the CapMetro Access Call Center

Automated Telephone System
The automated telephone system will allow you to create, cancel, and confirm trips in real time, 24-hours a day, seven days a week by calling 512-852-7272. Trips booked through the automated telephone system may be reserved up to 6 days in advance (up until 5 p.m. the day before the trip). The automated telephone system can also give you basic information about your eligibility and (if you have a pickup in the next hour) estimated time your vehicle will arrive.

CapMetro Access Call Center Live call center agents can help you to create or cancel trips by calling 512-852-7272 during business hours. Trips booked with a live agent may be reserved up to 3 days in advance (up until 5 p.m. the day before the trip).

Subscription Trip Service

MetroAccess call center agentIf passengers will travel to the same location at least once a week for 90 days (on the same day and at the same time), they may be eligible to receive subscription service, wherein a standing reservation is automatically created for approved trips.

Subscription trips may help to increase the consistency of a passenger's schedule, but will not be a guarantee of an exact ride time, a regular vehicle operator, a specific service provider, or a specific vehicle type.

To request or make changes to Subscription Trip Service contact CapMetro Access at 512-852-7272.

Requesting Subscription Trip Service
Subscription Trip Service is granted on a space-available basis and is not always available when a request is submitted. Requests may require up to 21 days to process. Customers should continue to book trips through the automated telephone system, online, or through a live call center agent until approval or denial of the subscription trip request occurs.

You will need to provide the following details:

  • Passenger name and CapMetro Access ID number
  • The earliest date the passenger would like the subscription trip to start.
  • The end date (must be at least 90 days from the start date) of the subscription trip (if applicable)
  • Complete street addresses of pick up and drop off locations (for example, 1234 East Main Street, Suite 102)
  • Days of the week the reoccurring trip will take place
  • A requested pickup or drop off (appointment) time (remembering to leave enough time to reach the final destination after the passenger is dropped off)
  • Information about any individuals who will be traveling with the passenger
  • Information about any mobility devices (including service animals) the passenger will be using
  • Additional information about the pickup and drop off locations (business name, building#, gate code, apartment complex name, office building, grocery store, etc.)
  • Any other information that will help the vehicle operator to locate the passenger

Making Changes to a Subscription Trip
If any changes need to be made to a subscription trip (for example, if the passenger moves), the old subscription trip should be cancelled and a new request should be submitted.

Placing a Subscription Trip On Hold Temporarily
Passengers may request that a subscription trip be placed on hold temporarily (up to 30 days) to accommodate vacations, etc. If the hold request will last longer than 30 days, the subscription trip should be cancelled and a new request submitted.

Cancelling a Subscription Trip Permanently
If the passenger no longer needs the subscription trip, please notify CapMetro Access of the earliest date at which the subscription trip should be cancelled. Until the passenger receives confirmation that the cancellation was successful, he or she should continue to cancel individual trips to avoid a no show assessment.

Canceling a Subscription Trip for a Specific Day (or Days)
Customers should cancel any unneeded individual trips through the automated telephone system, online, or with a live CapMetro Access call center agent as far in advance as possible, but no later than 1 hour in advance of the pickup window, to avoid a no show assessment.

Subscription Trip Service Is Automatically Cancelled on CapMetro Holidays
Passengers who still need their rides on a CapMetro holiday, must book them through the automated telephone system, online, or with a live CapMetro Access call center agent, no later than 5pm the day before service to schedule a replacement trip for the cancelled subscription trip.

Periodic Reevaluation of Subscription Trip Service
CapMetro Access regularly evaluates subscription trip service. Current subscription trips will be permanently cancelled in cases where:

  • 50% or more subscription trips are cancelled within a in a 90 day period
  • Excessive no-shows or late cancellations occur
  • Subscription service has not been used in 90 days or more
  • A service suspension is imposed due to major service disruption

CapMetro Access service coordinators may also contact you to re-negotiate your 30-minute pickup window to ensure service is being provided efficiently.

Standby Requests

A standby is a request to travel made after 5pm the day before the passenger wishes to travel. Standby requests are NOT a guaranteed ride and requests will be approved only when excess capacity exists within the system. Trip priority is given to stranded passengers and passengers who experience service delay due to a CapMetro Access error.

CapMetro Access DOES NOT provide emergency transportation. Passengers in need of emergency transportation should call 911.

Open Returns

An open return provides a bit more flexibility than a standard CapMetro Access trip. Passengers may request an open return in specific cases when unsure of the exact time they will be ready for their return trip.

Open returns go beyond what is required by the ADA. Passengers are never required to disclose the purpose of their trips except when they choose to schedule these optional open return trips. Open returns are limited to the following three trip types:

  • Return from a medical appointment
  • Return from jury duty
  • Return from out-of-town travel

Passengers must provide an estimated return pick up time when scheduling the trip. Open returns allow CapMetro Access passengers to receive an updated pickup time that better suits their needs.

If the scheduled trip time was estimated correctly by the passenger, the vehicle will be dispatched automatically without any action needed from the passenger.

If the passenger needs to amend the estimated pickup time, call CapMetro Access and the trip's pickup time will be updated where possible.

If the vehicle arrives before the passenger is ready, the passenger will not be charged with a no show. Simply call CapMetro Access indicating when the passenger will be ready and a vehicle will be sent back to their location.

CapMetro Access will not leave a passenger stranded.
Please note that the 30-minute ready window still applies to open return trips.

Group Trips

CapMetro Access passengers who wish to travel with any combination of 4 or more additional non-registered passengers must submit a request for a group trip at least one week before the anticipated travel date.

Group trips are based on space availability and subject to capacity limitations.

Passenger notification of the group trip confirmation or denial will occur no later than two calendar days before the trip is scheduled to be taken.

To request a group trip, call CapMetro Access and speak with a live call center agent.

Attendants, Companions and Children

To ensure adequate room on the vehicle, all passengers in a travel party must be specified when booking the trip.

Children age 5 or younger must be accompanied by an adult.

Each registered CapMetro Access passenger may ride with:

One personal care attendant (PCA) who provides individual assistance to the CapMetro Access passenger. Attendants are limited to 1 per passenger and will not be charged for the trip. Attendants must board and exit the vehicle at the same time and location as the passengers they are assisting.

One companion. Additional companions may travel with the passenger on a space available basis. Each companion (including children age 6 or older) must pay the same fare as the registered CapMetro Access passenger. Companion children age 5 or under may ride free.

CapMetro Access passengers traveling with a child or children under the age of 8 years old and shorter than 57 inches are encouraged to provide and secure a child safety seat for each child matching this criteria. This is not required and is therefore not a basis for denying a trip. CapMetro Access will not provide child safety seats for any passengers. The passenger is solely responsible to ensure the seat is safe and can be secured safely.

Cancelling Trips

Cancellations are a large source of system inefficiency for this valuable community resource. Please cancel trips with as much advance notice as possible so that rides can be made available to other CapMetro Access passengers.

When canceling a trip, remember to cancel any other unneeded subsequent trips (including return trips) as they will not automatically be cancelled.

Passengers may cancel trips:
Through the automated telephone system at 512-852-7272, online or through the CapMetro Access Call Center.

Passengers who need to cancel a trip on the day of service must do so at least 1 hour prior to the beginning of the 30-minute ready window to avoid a cancellation penalty. Late cancellation penalties are equivalent to no shows and are outlined in detail under the no show section of this guide.

Changing Trips

Changes to trip locations or times after 5pm the day before the trip will be converted to standby trip requests. Standby trips are NOT guaranteed trips. CapMetro Access vehicle operators are not authorized to make trip changes for any current or future trips.

Confirming Trips

When booking trips through the automated telephone system, online, or with a live call center agent, each trip will be read back to confirm that it was created correctly. Passengers are encouraged to write down trip details to keep track of upcoming travel.

The complete passenger travel itinerary is available:

Through the automated telephone system at 512-852-7272 or online.

Additionally, next day trip itineraries (provided by automated telephone, text or email) may be available. Passengers interested in these service offerings should request enrollment through a CapMetro Access call center agent.

MetroAccess bus in a local neighborhoodCapMetro Access uses a mix of vehicle types and service providers to provide the best service possible. Dedicated service providers operate vehicles with a CapMetro Access logo. When these vehicles are at capacity, overflow service providers, such as taxi companies, are used. Passengers will be notified if their trip is assigned to an overflow service provider as these providers use vehicles which do not have a CapMetro Access logo.

Advance call or text notification of arrival may be available as a helpful tool for customers to receive notification that their ride is nearby, but accuracy and availability are not guaranteed.

For estimated vehicle arrival time available up to one (1) hour before the start of the 30-minute ready window, call the CapMetro Access automated telephone system at 512-852-7272.

Pickup and Dropoff Times

CapMetro Access schedules rides using a 30-minute ready window for passenger pick-ups. Passengers must be ready to board the vehicle within five (5) minutes after the vehicle arrives, but passengers may board early.

Failure to board the vehicle within five (5) minutes may result in a no-show occurrence.

Passengers are not required to board a vehicle if it arrives before the 30-minute ready window begins, and the five-minute timeframe to board the vehicle does not start until the beginning of the designated 30-minute window.

Passengers who have not been picked up after the 30-minute ready window has expired are encouraged to call Where's My Ride.

CapMetro Access is a shared ride paratransit service that provides comparable ride times to those of CapMetro's fixed route services.

Pickup and Dropoff Locations

CapMetro Access operators are only authorized to pick up or drop off passengers at the location for which the ride was scheduled.

Passengers must wait for their ride at the agreed upon location or risk a no show occurrence. See the No Show Policy section of this guide for more information.

CapMetro Access operators are not permitted to lose sight of the vehicle or use stairs (indoor or outdoor) beyond the 1st floor of a building when assisting a passenger. CapMetro does not allow operators to enter a passenger's home or lock/unlock the door.

Mobility Devices

CapMetro Access vehicles are able to safely accommodate a wide range of mobility devices. Mobility devices are noted on all passenger accounts, and passengers should always update the Eligibility Department when there is a change and/or addition of a mobility device. This allows CapMetro Access to send the appropriate vehicle type for the trip, as well as to reserve enough space on board for passengers and their mobility devices.

CapMetro Access will guarantee transportation for passengers with wheelchairs no more than 30 inches wide, 48 inches long, and weighing no more than 600 pounds total while occupied. Wheelchairs that fall outside of these guidelines might still be accommodated, but will be evaluated on an individual basis to ensure CapMetro Access vehicles and lifts will be able to physically transport them safely. CapMetro Access may weigh and measure wheelchairs to make sure they fit within the maximum size and weight requirements.

All wheelchairs must be secured facing forward while being transported.

Equipment that is NOT permitted on any CapMetro Access vehicle includes, but is not limited to:

  • Hospital Beds
  • Stretchers
  • Hoyer Lifts
  • Large Shopping Carts
  • Any other device that poses a safety risk

Mobility devices must be secured every time they ride on a CapMetro Access vehicle. Operators are responsible for ensuring that mobility devices are properly secured.

CapMetro Access requires the use of a lap belt or seatbelt at all times during transport for all passengers. CapMetro Access recommends but does not require the use of a shoulder harness for passengers traveling in a mobility device.

A FREE Tether Strap Program is available to passengers in wheelchairs whereby trained professionals evaluate the wheelchair to determine the best location to safely secure them on Fixed Route and CapMetro Access vehicles, marking those locations with yellow identification tape and/or affixing yellow tethers (nylon loops). In order to receive this FREE service, reservations must be made by calling 512-369-6083.

CapMetro Access passengers who acquire a new or larger type of mobility device must notify the CapMetro Access Eligibility Department before making a reservation or taking a trip with the new mobility device. Passengers may need to be reassessed based on their new device.

Service Animals

Service animals are defined as any guide dog, signal dog or other animal individually trained to perform tasks directly related to assisting an individual with a disability.

Animals that are not individually trained to perform such tasks, including animals used purely for emotional purposes, are not considered service animals.

When scheduling a trip, passengers should inform the CapMetro Access reservation agent that they will be traveling with a service animal.

Passenger Attendant/Aide Requirements

Passengers will be required to travel with an attendant or aide under the following conditions:

  • Passengers five (5) years of age or younger
  • Professional determination that a passenger should have an attendant/aide at all times because he or she poses a danger to herself/himself
  • Passengers identified by CapMetro Access transportation professionals as requiring an attendant/aide for safety reasons
  • Passengers with temporary or unexpected occasional need for assistance that can't be met by the CapMetro Access vehicle operator
  • Passengers who cannot be left unattended or who qualify for hand-to- hand service and are traveling to a drop-off location where no one will be present to receive them

CapMetro Access passengers who require medical care during transit due to a medically unstable condition may not be eligible for service during the period of medical instability. CapMetro Access is a public transit agency that does not provide emergency medical transportation services.

Passengers who will need to travel with a personal care attendant or aide will need to have this information documented with CapMetro Access during the eligibility determination process. Professional verification for the need of a personal care attendant should be included.

Designated Loading Areas

Large facilities such as hospitals, malls, or office buildings typically have predetermined CapMetro Access passenger pick-up and drop-off designated areas. The designated area will be explained to passengers at the time they make a reservation for one of these large facilities.

These facilities are routinely evaluated for maximum safety and accessibility and are the only authorized designated areas at these facilities.

Consistent designated areas allow passengers to have a reliable, safe, comfortable, and efficient place to wait for their CapMetro Access rides.

Unsafe Locations

Some locations within the service area present a significant safety risk to passengers, operators, vehicles or property. In these rare cases, CapMetro Access might not be able to provide services beyond curb-to-curb; however, CapMetro Access will work with the passengers to find safe alternatives that will allow service to remain accessible to everyone. This may include designating a location as curb-to-curb only.

Each of these locations will be assessed individually and in person by a member of the CapMetro Access staff. Standardized evaluation criteria will be used to evaluate each location in question.

Affected passengers are encouraged to be involved in the location review if possible.

Tips for Other Pickup Locations

Not all locations are the same, so CapMetro Access has created a simple list to help determine the best place to wait for a ride when there is not a predetermined CapMetro Access loading area:

  • Passengers living in a single family home need to wait at the front door.
  • Passengers living in an apartment complex need to wait at a location where the vehicle operator can find them.
  • Passengers in an office building (high rise, hospital, etc.) need to wait on the ground level at the main designated entrance.
  • Passengers in a building such as a hospital where there are two sets of doors (a foyer) need to wait in an area where the paratransit vehicle operator can see them.
  • Passengers in a location that is not accessible to the vehicle operator need to wait outside.
  • Passengers should remain as close to the entrance as possible.

Boarding The Vehicle

Upon the arrival of the CapMetro Access vehicle, passengers must show their ID card, pay the fare, and board the vehicle. The operator will assist with mobility device (wheelchair, walker, etc.) securement and the passenger seat belt. MetroAccess customer in a wheelchair boarding a MetroAccess bus via a lift assisted by the MetroAccess vehicle operator

Passengers who have purchased a CapMetro Access ticket through CapMetro's smart phone app are encouraged to activate the ticket upon arrival of the vehicle, not sooner. Smart phone tickets are only valid for 20 minutes after they are activated.

Using The Lift

Many of the vehicles in the CapMetro Access fleet are equipped with a lift to assist passengers into and out of the vehicle. Some vehicles have the ability to secure a transferable wheelchair to the rear of the vehicle.

Vehicle lifts are not limited only to people who use mobility devices, so if a passenger would like to board the vehicle using the lift, he or she must let the CapMetro Access Operator know.

Please follow these simple safety steps when using the lift:

  • Power off any electric mobility device off before the lift moves.
  • Lock the wheels of any mobility device equipped with brakes.
  • Standing passengers should hold both railings if able to do so.
  • CapMetro Access Operators are not authorized to ride with passengers on the lift.

CapMetro Access vans have passenger lifts that are equipped to safely handle a wide range of mobility devices. CapMetro Access will transport any mobility aid and occupant if the lift and vehicle can safely accommodate them.

Rules for Riding CapMetro Access

Please follow these simple tips for a happy and safe ride:

  • Children five years and under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Smoking (including use of e-cigarettes) or eating on board is not permitted.
  • Drinks on board are allowed, but only if they're in spill-proof containers, like water bottles or travel mugs with lids.
  • Drinks that are NOT permitted include open cans, bottles without caps, and disposable cups with lids and straws.
  • Please wear shoes and shirts if you want to ride.
  • Passengers who fall asleep on board the bus are at risk of being injured from unexpected movements or stops. Please stay alert for the best possible experience.
  • Please ride quietly. Playing a radio or musical instrument is not appropriate on the bus.
  • Please be considerate of fellow passengers with chemical sensitivities by limiting use of colognes and perfumes.
  • Passengers with disabilities who have health-related open sores and wounds need to ensure that all sores and wounds are properly covered.
  • Any passenger, including passengers with disabilities, may be refused access to public transportation if visible body fluid leakage or dripping is occurring.

Transporting Passenger Items

CapMetro Access operators are primarily responsible for the safety of the passenger.

CapMetro Access Operators are required to carry up to four (4) bags with a combined weight of no more than 20 pounds. Any items exceeding this limit will be the responsibility of the passenger to transport to and from the vehicle without the assistance of the operator.

Passengers must be able to maintain control of all packages or see that they have been secured properly while on the vehicle during transport. Passengers needing additional assistance are encouraged to bring a Personal Care Attendant or a companion for these trips.

Any large, oversized items (i.e. large boxes, bags, etc.) that cannot be held by the passenger or properly secured will not be transported. All bags, luggage, large boxes, etc. must have handles for the operator to hold.

The carrying of packages by the vehicle operator between the passenger origin/destination and the vehicle must be done in one trip. The vehicle operator is not permitted to make multiple trips to or from the vehicle.

Operators will handle all belongings with care, but CapMetro will not be responsible for broken, damaged, spoiled, lost or stolen items.

Reaching The Destination

Passengers must remain seated until the vehicle comes to a complete stop and the vehicle operator has indicated it is safe to prepare to exit the vehicle. The CapMetro Access operator will assist the passenger from the vehicle.

MetroAccess vehicle operator with her vehicle in the backgroundPassengers can expect the operator to:

  • Operate the vehicle safely under all circumstances
  • Wear the proper uniform, including identification
  • Get out of the vehicle and announce their arrival. Operators who are providing curb-to-curb service or who are picking a passenger up at an address which is not at ground level are not required to go to the door to announce their arrival
  • Verify the identity of the passenger being transported by visually inspecting their CapMetro Access ID card
  • Offer assistance to the passenger by pushing a manual wheelchair or offering an arm for guidance
  • Collect the proper fare before assisting passengers into the vehicle Operate the lift: safety is the top priority
  • Transport the passenger only to the pre-scheduled location, unless directed otherwise from a supervisor or dispatch
  • Be courteous and respectful at all times

Operators are prohibited from:

  • Entering past the front entrance of a public building
  • Entering a passenger's residence
  • Leaving vulnerable passengers unattended in a vehicle
  • Losing sight of their vehicle
  • Maneuvering a wheelchair up more than one (1)
  • Manually lifting or carrying passengers
  • Taking trip reservations or cancellations from a passenger
  • Using a personal cell phone while operating a vehicle or providing passenger assistance
  • Accepting monetary tips or gifts
  • Locking/unlocking building doors
  • Operating the controls of an electronically operated mobility device.
  • Maneuvering an inoperable wheelchair
  • Transporting passengers who have uncovered health-related open sores and wounds or who are displaying visible body fluid leakage

Disruptive Behavior and Rules Violations

Service disruptions, rule violations or dangerous behavior while traveling on a CapMetro Access vehicle may result in suspension of paratransit service. When a rule violation occurs, CapMetro shall make every effort to work toward resolution by identifying the problem and, if appropriate, working with the passenger to find an alternative solution to suspension.

MetroAccess customer in a wheelchair boarding a MetroAccess bus via a lift assisted by the MetroAccess vehicle operator

No-Show and Late Cancellation Policy

Passengers who frequently fail to properly cancel a trip, do not show up in time for their scheduled ride, or (in the case of hand-to-hand customers) whose caretakers fail to be present to receive them at time of drop off, will be subject to a progressive penalty that may lead to service suspension. The following actions are considered no show occurrences for the purpose of this policy: When a vehicle arrives for a passenger inside the trip window and the passenger does not board the vehicle within five (5) minutes When a passenger refuses a scheduled trip at the door (also known as a Cancel at the Door) Late cancellations that occur one (1) hour or less from the beginning of the 30 minute window trip time (also known as a Late Cancel) When a hand-to-hand passenger's caretaker is not present to receive them at the time of drop off NO SHOW SUSPENSION POLICY Once a passenger reaches four (4) no shows in one calendar month and if these no shows total 11% or more of their trips in that calendar month, the CapMetro Access suspension policy will take effect. No passenger shall be suspended under this policy for having 3 or fewer no show occurrences in one month. The 11% no show tolerance in effect for 2014 was determined by multiplying the regular no show rate of the previous CapMetro fiscal year by 3. In Fiscal Year 2013, the No Show rate was 3.66%. (3.66% x 3 = 11%). The tolerance rate will be adjusted accordingly each year and was established according to industry best practices. To find the current no show tolerance percentage rate for the current year, visit or call 512-852-7272.

The progressive suspension policy is as follows:

  • First suspension occurrence will result in a 4 day suspension penalty.
  • Second suspension occurrence will result in a 7 day suspension penalty.
  • Third suspension occurrence will result in a 14 day suspension penalty.
  • Fourth suspension occurrence will result in a 1 month suspension penalty.
  • Fifth through twelfth suspension occurrences will be reviewed by the No Show Appeals
  • Committee. The Appeals Committee will determine an appropriate action for each account up to and including long-term suspension from service.

The timeframe for the progressive suspension policy is one (1) calendar year beginning on January 1st of every year. Passengers with four or more no shows and whose no shows also exceed 11% or more of their trips in one month will be notified by mail with a letter containing: The dates when the no shows occurred The dates of the pending suspension Instructions on how to make an appeal

No-Show Passenger Notification

Each passenger's no show occurrences are reviewed at the end of each calendar month for excessive no-show violations. No show events that are beyond a passenger's control will not be counted against the passenger. Suspension notification letters are sent to all passengers in violation of the policy. Each letter clearly identifies the dates of each violation from the previous month, as well as the future dates when the passenger's service will be suspended.

No-Show Appeal Process

Before no show suspension may take place, CapMetro will notify the passenger by mail of the intention to suspend service. This notification shall inform the passenger of the reason(s) for the proposed no show suspension and shall state that the passenger has a right to appeal.

Passengers must request a no show suspension appeal hearing within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the No Show Policy violation suspension letter.

The passenger may request a suspension appeal hearing by:

T: 512-852-7272 F: 512-369-7779
Mail in:
CapMetro Access No Show Appeals
2910 E. 5th St.
Austin, TX 78702

The no show appeal committee will consist of a three (3) person panel of individuals not involved in the original decision. The appeal committee will:

  • Conduct a hearing within 30 calendar days of the passenger's request to affirm or rescind the suspension decision
  • Only meet to address suspension of service
  • Affirm or rescind the decision within 30 working days after the hearing Unrestricted service will continue until the committee renders its decision.

If the appeal appointment is no showed without notification or rescheduled by the customer beyond 30 days from the original request date, then the original suspension will be upheld.

The decision of the appeals committee is final. The no show appeal process is unrelated to eligibility and will not be used for contesting established CapMetro policies.

Appeal Procedures

MetroAccess vehicle operator with a MetroAccess minivan in the background

This appeal process applies to service suspensions resulting from ongoing service disruptions, behavioral issues, or other policy violations. This process is unrelated to either the eligibility or no show appeal processes and may not be used for contesting established CapMetro policies.

Before suspension or termination of service may take place, CapMetro must notify the passenger by certified mail of the intention to suspend service. This notification shall inform the passenger of the reason(s) for the proposed suspension and shall state that the passenger has a right to appeal.

A service suspension appeal hearing may be requested within five (5) working days after receipt of service suspension notice by:

T: 512-852-7272
F: 512-369-7779
Mail in:
CapMetro Accessible Services
2910 E. 5th St.
Austin, TX 78702

If the passenger does not request a suspension appeal hearing within five (5) working days, service will be suspended on the 6th day. The passenger will be notified by certified mail of the suspension/termination and the effective day of the suspension.

Should the passenger request a suspension appeal hearing concerning the suspension of existing service, an appeal committee consisting of a three (3) person panel of individuals not involved in the original decision will be formed.

The appeal committee will:

  • Conduct a hearing within 30 working days of the passenger's request to affirm or rescind the suspension decision
  • Only meet to address suspension of service
  • Affirm or rescind the decision within 30 working days after the hearing

Service will not be provided to the passenger during this appeal process.

The decision of the appeals committee is final.

MetroAccess passengers deboarding MetroRailTravel Training

All applicants, whether approved or denied for CapMetro Access, are encouraged to take advantage of CapMetro's FREE travel training program. This program provides individualized training to passengers on how to confidently navigate the accessible MetroBus and MetroRail systems.

Tether Strap Program

CapMetro offers a voluntary service that provides FREE yellow tethers (nylon loops) or yellow identification tape for wheelchairs that are challenging to secure on our Fixed Route or CapMetro Access vehicles. This program is not limited only to CapMetro Access registered passengers and is therefore open to all CapMetro customers free of charge. Trained professionals will evaluate your wheelchair to determine the best location to place the tethers or tape. In order to receive this service, reservations must be made by calling 512-369-6083.

Trip Notification and Vehicle Arrival Notification

Trip notification is an optional feature of CapMetro Access in which an automated telephone call or text message notifies the customer that their vehicle will arrive shortly. Accuracy and availability of this feature are not guaranteed. To enroll, speak with a CapMetro Access call center agent.

Next-day Trip Itinerary

An optional feature of CapMetro Access in which an automated telephone call, text message, or email notifies the customer of their trips for the next day. To enroll, speak with a CapMetro Access call center agent.

Automated Phone System

When calling CapMetro Access at 512-852-7272, passengers have the ability to access account management features through the CapMetro Access automated telephone system. Through this system, they can create (up to six days in advance), cancel, and confirm trips, access basic eligibility information, and (if they have a pickup in the next hour) to hear the estimated time the vehicle will arrive.

Comments, Compliments, and Complaints

For compliments about CapMetro Access staff members, concerns about the service, complaints, general questions, or suggestions please contact CapMetro Customer Service by:

T: 512-385-0190
Mail in:
CapMetro Customer Service
2910 E. 5th Street
Austin, TX 78702

Customer Advisory Committees

The Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC) meets the second Wednesday of each month to provide guidance and advice on CapMetro planning and operations across its various services.

The Access Advisory Committee meets the first Wednesday of each month to provide guidance and advice on how to better serve CapMetro riders with special needs, such as customers with disabilities, language barriers, or other challenges experienced on any CapMetro service, including CapMetro Access.

For more information (including current meeting dates, times, and locations), please visit: or call the GO line at 512-474-1200.

Visit the CapMetro Website for more ways to get involved!

Committee & Board Meetings
Metro Ambassador Program
Special Event Volunteering
Project Connect
Community Feedback Sessions

CapMetro Access ADA Paratransit service is only provided during hours and days in which regular fixed route service is provided.

CapMetro Access Office Hours are as follows:


CapMetro Access Administrative Office

  • Monday through Friday 8am - 5pm

CapMetro Access Call Center

  • Monday through Friday 7am - 6pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 8am - 5pm

Mailing Address

  • CapMetro Access Accessible Services
    2910 E 5th St Austin TX 78702
  • CapMetro Access (Main Line)
    T: 512-852-7272 (PARA)
    F: 512-369-7779
  • CapMetro Access Trip Management
    T: 512-852-7272 (PARA)
  • CapMetro Access Paratransit Eligibility
    T: 512-389-7501
    F: 512-369-7779
  • CapMetro Travel Training & Tether Strap Programs
    T: 512-369-6083
  • Comments, Compliments, or Complaints
    T: 512-385-0190
  • CapMetro Fixed Route and CapMetro Access Fares
    Transit Store (Downtown)
    Monday - Friday
    7:30am through 5:30pm
    1705 Guadalupe St.
    Austin TX 78701
    T: 512-389-7454
  • Other CapMetro Services
    CapMetro Administration: 512-389-7400
    Lost & Found: 512-389-7454 /
    Fixed Route (Bus & Rail) Information: 512-474-1200
    Carpool/Vanpool: 1-800-826-4-9675 (VAN 4 WORK) /
  • Other Services
    Capital Area Rural Transportation (CARTS): 512-478-7433 (RIDE) /
    Emergency Transportation: 911
    Relay Texas (for persons with hearing disabilities): 711
    Speech-to-Speech Relay Services (for persons with speech disabilities): 1-877-826-6607


30-minute Ready Window: The time frame when a passenger can expect to be picked up. Passengers must be ready to board the vehicle within 5 minutes after the vehicle arrives.

Actual Vehicle Arrival Time: The time that the vehicle arrives at the ride origin and is ready to be boarded.

Actual Vehicle Departure Time: The time that the vehicle departs the ride origin.

Actual Vehicle Drop Off Time: The time that the vehicle arrives at the ride destination and is ready for de-boarding.

ADA: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

ADA Paratransit Eligible: The status given to a person who has been determined eligible to use CapMetro Access transportation under the ADA Paratransit Program.

Attendant: May also be referred to as a Personal Care Attendant (PCA). A person traveling as an aide, such as a Personal Care Attendant, requested by a person with a disability to facilitate travel and having the same origin and destination as the person with a disability.

Companion: A person (who may or may not be not registered with Metro-Access) other than a PCA traveling with an ADA eligible passenger and having the same origins and destinations as the eligible person.

Conditional Eligibility: When an ADA eligible person can use fixed route unless certain conditions are present that prevent them from getting to or from or navigating fixed route service.

Curb-to-curb: Vehicle operators assist passenger into and out of the vehicle only. Operators must not leave the direct vicinity of the vehicle and are not required to provide assistance beyond the curb of the origin or destination.

Demand Trips: Eligible riders who call in ride requests for non-routine rides at least one (1) day and up to six (6) days in advance of the desired ride.

Destination: The location where a rider de-boards a vehicle at the completion of a ride.

Dispatching: The act of issuing instructions and receiving communications to and from vehicle operators via radio contact and electronic manifests.

Door-to-door: Vehicle operators assist passengers to the door of the origin and to the door of the destination but are not permitted to cross the threshold of either location.

Driver: An individual operating a vehicle to transport riders and any attendants and companions. Used interchangeably with “vehicle operator.”

Eligibility Evaluation Trip: Trips that are provided free of charge, upon request by the applicant, to and from an appointment where Eligibility staff will determine eligibility for ADA transportation.

Eligible Rider: A person registered with CapMetro as eligible to use CapMetro Access.

Fare: CapMetro determined cost to the rider for a ride on any mode of Transportation provided by CapMetro.

Fixed Route Services: Bus or train service operated or subcontracted by a transit agency in which a vehicle is operated along a prescribed route according to a fixed schedule.

Hand-to-hand: Passengers who, due to a disability-related condition, cannot be left alone and must be delivered to the care of a responsible party (e.g. caretaker, guardian).

Manifest: Written record of information required for the vehicle operator's transportation delivery and drop-off instructions, including scheduled and actual times.

CapMetro Access: CapMetro's paratransit transportation service operated under the policies set forth in CapMetro's ADA Paratransit Service Plan.

CapMetro Access Call Center Agent: An individual who responds to requests for transportation and informs a rider of the disposition of the ride request.

CapMetro Access ID number: The unique passenger number assigned by CapMetro and appearing on the CapMetro Access photo ID card.

CapMetro Access Monthly Pass: Pass issued or recognized by CapMetro as valid tender for the fare.

On Time: Within the 30-minute ready window of the scheduled trip.

Origin: The location where a rider boards a vehicle at the beginning of a ride.

Personal Care Attendant (PCA): A person designated specifically to help an individual with a disability meet his or her personal needs.

Registered Passenger: A person registered with CapMetro as eligible to use CapMetro Access.

Return Trip: Second leg of a round trip.

Round Trip: When a passenger returns to the point of origin from a single destination within the same day (counted as two trips).

Scheduled Pick up Time: Time that serves as the middle of the 30-minute ready window (15 minutes before and after the scheduled time).

Service Animal: Any animal that a passenger identifies as a trained animal and is needed by the rider, their Personal Care Attendant or companion to help with daily activities.

Service Provider: For the purposes of this guide, a company under contract to CapMetro who transports CapMetro Access passengers. This may include dedicated service providers using vehicles with the CapMetro Access logo or overflow service providers operating a taxi.

Shared Ride Service: Transportation service in which multiple passengers may be transported at the same time, on the same vehicle, with non-sequential pickups and drop offs.

Subscription Trip: A standing reservation for a ride in which a single individual goes between the same origin and destination, at the same time, a minimum of one (1) time per week.

Vehicle Operator: Synonymous with Driver; employees or contractors who operate vehicles transporting passengers.

Please note: CapMetro Access Policies and Procedures are subject to change. Passengers will be notified of changes through passenger notices and/or other CapMetro public announcements. Please make sure CapMetro Access always has the passenger's current address, telephone number, and e-mail address (if applicable).

A digital version of this guide may be viewed and downloaded at Accessible formats and reasonable modifications are available upon request. An accessible format may be requested by contacting CapMetro:

T: 512-852-7272