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Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)

How is Austin Working to Achieve ETOD?

CapMetro was awarded $3.15 million from the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) TOD Pilot Grant to produce an Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) Study for Austin, Texas.

CapMetro is leading the ETOD Study in partnership with the City of Austin (COA) and the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) to implement future transportation investments with corresponding tools and policies that focus on preserving existing communities and enhancing their access to economic opportunity. 

This project is trailblazing for CapMetro in many ways— in the intentionality to focus on equity, prioritize underrepresented voices, align transit and housing strategies across multiple agencies, as well as the opportunity to implement policies in the advancement of major infrastructure construction.

This study will seek to meet these 6 key objectives for ETOD:

Goal 1: Enable All Residents to Benefit from Safe, Sustainable, and Accessible Transportation 

Goal 4: Expand Access to High-Quality Jobs & Career Opportunities 

Goal 2: Help to Close Racial Health and Wealth Gaps 

Goal 5: Support Healthy Neighborhoods That Meet Daily Needs

Goal 3: Preserve and Increase Housing Opportunities That are Affordable and Attainable 

Goal 6: Expand Austin’s Diverse Cultural Heritage and Small, BIPOC-Owned, and Legacy Businesses

Engage With Us

Join CapMetro and the City of Austin to shape the future of North Lamar & South Congress Transit Centers. When available, we will offer opportunities to share your thoughts here.

ETOD Final Report and Executive Summary

The ETOD Study is out! Check out how we got here and what’s next:


Working Together in Partnership


Next Steps

CapMetro is focusing on the delivery of ETOD through site-specific implementation, such as the station area vision plans for CapMetro’s North Lamar Transit Center and South Congress Transit Center. As the land use authority, COA is implementing ETOD policy tools with a systemwide approach, focusing on the regulatory application of the plan, such as amendments to the City’s comprehensive plan, land development code and station area vision planning for the remaining stations. The project teams will continue coordination with the ATP on the Austin Light Rail implementation.