
Plan Your Trip

Use the CapMetro Trip Planner online or download the Transit app for on-the-go trip planning.

Transit App

Transit app icon

CapMetro Innovation Labs has partnered with Transit to offer Royale for free to all our riders. Explore Transit App features and download the app today!

Umo App 

Umo app icon

Already planned your trip? Pay as you ride in the Umo app by creating an account and adding cash in person or attaching your debit card, credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Digital payments have automatic daily and monthly fare caps.

Ready to ride?

Trip Planner
  • Use the Trip Planner to insert your starting and ending address.
  • Choose the route and transit modes that work best for you.
  • Check service alerts for detours or stop closures. 

Planning Tools

Get route information, service alerts, or explore the Destination Schedule Book.

Schedules & Maps Service Alerts Schedule Book

Need help getting started? Open our guides below.